Work Experience
Below is a listing of my work experience:
- LabVIEW Student Ambassador for National Instruments: Increasing LabVIEW proficiency among my peers at Olin College of Engineering by preparing material for and presenting LabVIEW training classes.
- Lead Electrical and Computer Engineer at Lit Motors: Integral member of team working to create a self-balanced, fully-enclosed, fully-electric motorcycle in an attempt to revolutionize personal transportation technology.
- Digital Signal Processing Course Assistant at Olin College: Responsible for conducting Digital Signal Processing labs and assisting student with understanding the underlying concepts.
- Motion Control Engineer at National Instruments: Enabling control of up to 8 DC brushless motors on an FPGA within a single embedded CompactRIO controller.
- Educational Research Statistician at Olin College: Responsible for forming hypotheses and performing statistical analysis and visualizations for engineering education research.
- Bioinformatician at TGen: Creating visualization tools to make the analysis of the large data sets generated by proteomics research much simpler, faster, and more reliable.